
The State Fair!

We made our annual trip to the State Fair this last week. We started going a few years back and it has kind of become a little tradition for our family. I know it is a little bit white trash, but we really enjoy it and plus we used half a bottle of hand sanitizer and wipes. Wyatt has done so well in school that we pulled him out for a day and off we went. We always choose wristband day to go so that we can ride until the kid’s give-up. We arrived just after 12:00 and went right to Uncle Keith and Aunt Jackie’s Indian Fry Bread stand. They are located on the south end of the fair, it is the best. After lunch off we went. The kids loved it, from the tea cups, slides, bumper cars, roller coasters, fairs wheels, to the mild fun houses, they never stopped. It was the least crowded that I have ever seen the fair. We never had to wait in any lines and the food and displays were so great and fun as usual. The kids loved the petting zoo and game system displays. I loved just walking through the displays and seeing all the fun gadgets and toys. I even found the perfect porch swing for the back yard; I am crossing my fingers that Santa Clause brings it to me. True to form Dane loved the demonstrations, he is an infomercial nut. He was ready to buy waterless cook wear for $1600.00 by the time we left the displays? It was so much fun. We thought that we would be home for dinner, but we were having so much fun we settled on corn dogs, turkey legs, and a funnel cake for dinner before finally calling it a night around 8:30. What a great day!

On the Giant Slide

On the Dragons

The "boys" on the Hydro Slide

Up and Over the Fair

Gracie loved her Ice Cream!

Wyatt milking the cow

Jesse on the bumper


Jamie said...

How fun!!! I have not been to the fair in years.

Heather said...

I have never been! It looks so fun but then I hear all the nasty stories-it's so dirty, the people, the price, etc. Someday I will go and eat funnel cake and fry bread. Your hair is cute, and getting long again!

ZB said...

Talk about your fun. I love the state fair! I think you did it the right way...go and eat and ride everything until you drop!

ilm3ib said...

That looks like so much fun. How cute are those pics! Hey, stop by our page. I didn't have your email address and wanted to let you know about Collins Birthday Party!

Shannon said...

So fun! My kids had a blast when we went too. Your kids are so cute!

Brannon and Leslie said...
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Brannon and Leslie said...

I don't care how white trashy it is, that looks like fun. I want to go.

Joni said...

What a fun tradition! It looks like your family had a blast!
I want to send you an invite to my blog, but I don't know your email. My email is on my profile so send me a note so I can invite you!

onehm said...

Wow...The State Fair. You guys are so great. My kids still haven't gone yet!!
Love the halloween pics and the new puppy! You guys are wonderful parents!

Koi said...

I think we're the only family that doesn't go to the "State Fair." We don't go to any fair actually. We have this fear of "Carnies" that keeps us from going.

Webb Family said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time! Mike took Kelsey and Cody last weekend!

Mandi said...

Nate said you were asking about my blog, so I figured if I actually commented instead of just reading it all the time, then you'd be able to get to mine! Genius, I know. I do love reading and seeing the pictures - your kids are so darn cute. I'll have to be better at making my presence known. . . (by commenting)

Amy Y said...

Very cute pictures... looks like fun!

Brannon and Leslie said...

Hey I need your address. Will you e-mail it to me blbigler@yahoo.com


ilm3ib said...

Hey guys... Your blog looks great. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun these days~ Are you still planning a new years pary? Hey, if you get a chance, can you email us your address. We've got a christmas card with your name on it! Hope all is well~

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Koi said...

I've been to the state fair once in high school and that was it. I should take the boys next year when Oliver wants to go to Disneyland. It would be way cheaper.

Hope you had a good Christmas and New Years!!

LafeNLacy said...

So, the State Fair must have been really fun since you've had it on your blog for two months. It was all fine and good when we were in AZ and could see you in person, but now we want to see that you're still alive!

Amy A. said...

Alysen - call me...I can not find your number

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