
School Lunch

What a difference a week makes. Life is seemingly falling back to what we might call normal. Wyatt has finished his first full week of ALL DAY Kindergarten. I was not sure how I really felt about sending him off all day, but I must say I love it. He is doing so great, has a fabulous teacher and comes home with fun stories every day. He has already taught everyone the “Days of the Week” song to the tune of the Adams Family, and the “Month-oraina” to the tune of the Macoraina. It is very fun and rewarding to see him start to use his brain for other adventures than just TV and computer games. Of course his favorite thing about school is recess, lunch, and who would have thought, girls. I’m too young for this. Last night after everyone had gone to bed Dane and I sat up talking about Wyatt and all of the fun adventures he is having. Dane told me a story that Wyatt had confided in him to “not tell mom.” After looking over the menu at school we decided we would pack a lunch for Wyatt the majority of the time. His first day he came home and told us he had only ate ¼ of his sandwich and tossed the rest in the garbage. We told him he needed to eat the entire sandwich and to bring home every thing he did not eat so we could monitor if he was eating enough. On Tuesday he came home and informed us he had eaten his entire sandwich. Later while Dane was talking to him he told dad “not to tell mom” but he only eats some of his sandwich and throws the rest away. Dane told him he was very disappointed in him and asked him why he did that. He looked at Dane and with a very mischievous grin said, “I can go to recess faster?”


ZB said...

What a sweet boy. I'm so glad that I get to read about all this & THEN I'll know how to solve my parenting problems before then even happen! So, how ya gonna solve this one?

Anonymous said...

Hi Chaffee's. I hope you don't mind this little intrusion on your blog. I found your blog from a link off a friend of a friend (you know how it goes!). I was good friends with Dane's sister Nicole in jr. high and high school. I went to church with Chaffee's and the Woffindens. I don't know if Dane would remember me. I live in Oregon now with my husband and 4 daughters, and my family moved from Mesa, so I hardly ever get back there. I haven't seen Nicole in ages, so tell her "hi" for me! It has been a delight to see what a beautiful family you have.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! Your kids absolutely crack me up. Sounds like something Dane did when he was in school.

Lorena said...

Hey, that's better than you packing their lunch, them throwing it all away, and buying school lunch! Oh, yes, of course that has happened to me!

Crazymamaof6 said...

yeah , i don't even ask! and just plan on them being hungry when they come home!

Jamie said...

Sneaky little fellow w/ a good plan. That cracks me up!!

Webb Family said...

What a cutie! And how sweet that he can tell his daddy! I don't think my kiddos ever eat all their lunch, I have just gotten use to it! Funny how it took me awhile to get why they were so hungry after school.

Amy Y said...

Yep, pretty normal... Kyla won't finish either for the same reason but she's gotten good at bringing home her leftovers... in fact, she usually eats them in the car on the way home! So cute, I'm glad eveyone's getting used to it and loving it.

Joni said...

I'm still a little new at this blogging thing. I found your family blog and others I went to school with. I admit, I've become a little addicted to reading blogs. You guys have such a cute family!
(I think my kids do the same thing when it comes to lunch.)

ilm3ib said...

That's too cute! Its hard to believe our little boys are in school. I can only anticipate missing the heck out of them. Collin starts preschool on Tuesday and he's in a sports class Monday so... three days a week, tanner will get mommy all to himself~ Its gonna spoil him (or I will)! Congrats on school going so well. They grow too fast!