The Secrets Out
Dane is going to kill me for this one. Our kids have really gotten into the Disney Channel Movie “High School Musical.” The funny thing is so has daddy. Dane really honestly enjoys it, I don’t exactly understand it but he likes it. The kids and Dane sing the songs all the time. Dane will start a song and Wyatt will pick it up and finish it. They think they are superstars or something. Actually it is always enjoyable to see and hear happy voices, even though this one is pretty strange. Dane even knows that Friday August 17th is when High School Musical 2 premiers on TV. He is even planning a party for the kids (more for him I think)
that evening to watch the movie. So last night, Dane decided that because school starts next week, and we will have to abide by some sort of bedtime, we should have a movie night and watch High School Musical. Of course all the kids were thrilled and quickly got ready for bed and plopped themselves down on the couch next to me. It is the funniest thing to watch Dane sing along to this little kid’s movie. I will try and catch Dane singing on tape and post for all to see. I must admit it is a cute movie just not one I would have thought Dane would watch let alone like. We really had a fun night, but now that the secret is out!
i confess i love High school musical too! and totally sing along. interesting Dane loves it! my husband gets sucked in to watch it and will stand for a long time watching glued and not realizing it. but he doesn't sing along.
I love that movie too! How funny that Dane knows all the words to the songs.
I've never seen High School Musical...but I understand that this is quite the movie. And Yes, that's a bit strange that Dane loves it. And Yes, he's gonna kill you. Real men sing musicals.
we love highschoolmusical too,and we are planning a party too. we also love watching hannah montana. tell dane to check it out he'll like even better than a musical.
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