
Everything’s coming up Roses

I love this time of year when everything starts coming to life again, and I really LOVE my rose garden. My roses are doing so well this year. When we moved in last year I had Dane pull up all the nasty cactus and replace them with green shrubs and 14 different roses. We have 3 different red, 2 different pink, white, orange, purple, and yellow roses. I love the smell and the blooms are so beautiful. I could spend hours sitting on the porch swing enjoying my beautiful roses, but the best part is I always have a vase of fresh cut roses in the house. As soon as I walk out the back door I can smell all the different roses and I love it!

My Rose Garden


Heather said...

Beautiful! And quite the rose garden there you Miss Green Thumb. We too have roses and I love to take a gander at them and breathe deeply of their wonderful fragrance.

LafeNLacy said...

We just wanted to say that we love all the updates on your blog -- especially the photos of your kids on poop duty. What good kids! We cannot wait to see you. Just a little while longer... Hooray for summer!

Brannon and Leslie said...

Well, look at you and your green thumb.

ZB said...

Horray! That's simply beautiful.

Shannon said...

So pretty! I love the spring time when all my flowers and yard look so pretty! We have to enjoy it while it lasts, because a few more months and the heat will kill off everything!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i am glad you are back! i need to get your email so i can invite you to my blog. email me at linzegarrett (at) gmail (dot) com

it is so nice to read what you guys have been up to.

Cerulean said...

Love the photos of your roses, very beautiful!